Strong Women Leaders And Their Husbands

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Leadership in the home is taking on a new dynamic for many households. The Reyes family is no exception. We prefer the burden of leadership to be distributed equally between us. However, men are increasingly becoming passive in their roles as leaders in their homes. This is due to women taking a stronger position of authority that is directly proportional to their financial contributions to the household income. This steady increase in confident leadership by women, can make men with insecurity issues waiver in the obligation to support their wives as they take off and conquer the world. It takes a confident and faith based husband to provide unwavering support to these Courageous & Graceful women. • The insecure husband may see this as a weakening of his position. The more confident type of husband, my husband, supports his wife nonetheless. They take pride in tending to the children, and don’t hesitate to tackle household chores. These men should be viewed as commendable and worthy of praise. Today, I recognize my remarkable husband for his genuine leadership and support of all my goals, dreams, and aspirations! He is the only man that truly has my best interests at heart. ? #inspiration #motivation #confidence #husbandandwife #leader #leadership #reallove ##armywife #milspouse #wife #husband #blacklovedoc #withcourageandgrace #insecurities #happiness #teamwork #usie #theshaderoom #forbescouple #forbeswomen #happilyjoint